This is 2022, the exact time targeted to have halved the problem, and unfortunately, the incidence of medication errors is still on the high side.
Medication error has been recognized as an issue of global concern, hence a need to tackle it strategically and aggressively.
Nurses play a very significant role in the multidisciplinary team and have potential that can be deployed in the fight against medication errors.
This is why we have come up with an initiative to join the fight against this global threat of medication errors.
Medication errors cause at least one death every day and injure approximately 1.3 million people annually in the United States of America alone. While low- and middle-income countries are estimated to have similar rates of medication-related adverse events to high-income countries, the impact is about twice as much in terms of the number of years of healthy life lost.
Source: World Health Organization
The National Drug Dosage Calculation Competition for Nurses (NDDCCN) is an initiative aimed at raising awareness about dosage calculations among nursing students and nurses.
The national competition will motivate nurses to see a need to be competent in their calculation skills in order to reduce avoidable errors in dosage calculations during drug administration.

It will create a platform for learning, and education, and promote interest in dosage calculations.
Also, the initiative has been set up to reward diligence among nurses. We live in a society that rewards and celebrates frivolities while despising hard work, values, and potential. Those who emerge winners at the end of the competition will be honored for their hard work and rewarded monetarily.
Analyzing medical death rate data over an eight-year period, Johns Hopkins patient safety experts have calculated that more than 250,000 deaths per year are due to medical error in the U.S.
Source: John Hopkins
It is high time we restored value and common sense to our society and especially the nursing community in Nigeria. Nurses are well deserving of attention and “double honor” for their hard work.
This year’s edition of NDDCCN will be targeted at nursing students.
We will only accept entries from interested nursing students from accredited nursing schools and departments of Nursing in Nigeria.
The application portal will be open soon and the public will be duly notified when it is open.
Get ready for this eventful competition, the first of its kind in Nigeria and In Africa.
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The registration portal is open.
You can register for NDDCCN 2023 here.
Kindly share, so other nurses in Nigeria can hear about it and participate.
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