Health And Well-being

Digital Dementia: 5 Helpful Tips To Cope

Digital dementia is a concept first introduced by German neuroscientist and psychiatrist Manfred Spitzer in 2012. It describes the cognitive changes that can occur due to excessive reliance on digital technology, such as smartphones and devices, computers, and tablets. We present five practical tips to help you better manage your technology use, ensuring a more balanced and mindful relationship with the digital world.

Leadership & Entrepreneurship

Healthcare Innovation

4 Important Benefits Of Peer-to-peer Healthcare And How It Impacts Health Outcomes

With technology advancing rapidly, there’s no doubt that technology will continue to enhance P2P health care.
From advanced telemedicine services to AI-powered health advice, peer-to-peer healthcare will continue to evolve.

Imagine a future where virtual reality brings people together for support groups, making the experience even more immersive. Additionally, P2P healthcare is not a replacement but a complement to traditional healthcare.

How Empathy Drives Human-Centered Innovation In Healthcare

Empathy is the most vital element of human-centred design [or humanity-centred design]. It’s no longer just “user-centred” but now more of how much humanity we infuse into our designs and solutions.

Healthcare design and innovation benefit immensely from empathy-centred or human-centred design because healthcare is more personal and intimate than any other industry or ecosystem. Healthcare requires larger doses of empathy and human centricity, which, if missing, will leave us with solutions that aren’t deep enough and that do not entirely meet the healthcare needs of patients and people.

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