– Andrew Carnegie
“It marks a big step in your development when you come to realize that other people can help you do a better job than you could do alone.”
Nobody can do great things alone. You can do a few small things here and there, but you need to have a team to do great things.
We learn one vital lesson on teamwork from the Holy Bible’s account of the creation of humanity. When God wanted to create man, He used one word that teaches us a lot about doing things together. He said, “Let Us.”
He did the greatest work of science, art, intelligence, and mystery with a team. He didn’t do it by just speaking man into being the way he did other things. He knew “man” would be a great thing, so He specifically invited the input of a team by saying, “Let Us.” He didn’t say — now, “Let Me…” That is the greatest lesson on teamwork in the history of time.
Since I started working to bring my ideas to life, I have always cherished the idea of building with teams. I know that no one man has it all figured out. It’s not possible. No one is a superman or superwoman. We are designed to need others to do great things.
Nobody is saying you can’t do things alone. What it means is that the greatness in that thing you are doing alone will not be seen if you keep doing it alone.
You need the input of a team to squeeze the greatness out of that thing you are doing.
“The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him.”
– Niccolo Machiavelli.
The kind of people you surround yourself with will determine how great you will become in life. I don’t have many friends. Over the years, I have intentionally cut down on the number of friends I have. I don’t have many people I talk to, chat with, and spend time with. They are very few. If you can’t add anything to my life, I will never waste my time talking with you.
I love interacting with people who have something useful to add to my life. And when I want to build a team, I take my time to pick those who will be on that team.
We need to be very intentional and deliberate when it comes to growth and development as leaders. Refrain from surrounding yourself with people who will always talk down on your ideas and never help you with ideas to make your ideas better.
It’s dangerous. It’s suicide to keep people who are not forward-thinking in your compound.
Great men and women have mastered the art of surrounding themselves with people who think big.
Why Do Leaders Stand Alone?
The choices we make as leaders go a very long way in influencing the work we produce.
Great work is almost always a result of good choices. And leaders who have mastered making good choices will always do great things.
The leaders who stand alone have made a choice to stand alone. They have limited themselves by standing alone and doing things without involving others.
Here are major reasons why leaders stand alone, according to John Maxwell.
- Ego: Learn to realize when you can’t do it all alone.
- Insecurity: Leaders who are afraid of being replaced by people better than them.
- Naiveté: Underestimating the difficulty of achieving big things.
- Temperament: This is a natural flaw for some. But you can change it if you want to.
These reasons are reversible. They are not permanent or irreversible. You can change them. You can break the limiting walls of ego, dismantle the barrier of insecurity, crush the stronghold of weak limiting temperaments and change your opinion about achieving big things.
It’s all in your hands. No one’s going to make the decisions for you.
Also Read:
Care City End of The Year Leadership Letter
Teamwork In Healthcare Leadership
Healthcare teams are made up of a diverse combination of professionals with different kinds of expertise, experience, and exposure.
The importance of teamwork is best reflected in healthcare leadership.
There must be a perfect synergy between all teams responsible for maintaining the health of human beings, from the clinical teams to the administrative and business teams.
For better health outcomes in society, the teams responsible for coordinating healthcare must understand the principles of teamwork. Top healthcare leaders are those responsible for ensuring that the teams under them work together.
In the business of healthcare leadership, there needs to be more room for effective teamwork. Everyone on the team must be up and doing, ready to work and contribute to the overall success of the teams they find themselves in
And individuals in leadership roles in the healthcare ecosystem must realize that there is no place for “solo leadership,” in which one person oversees the whole operation without considering the leadership contributions of others with better experience and expertise in domains they are unfamiliar with.
The healthcare ecosystem is so vast, deep, and highly interdependent. No single professional can confidently boast that they know everything. It’s outrightly impossible.
Successful and vision-driven healthcare leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs understand this principle. They are guided by it in their day-to-day interactions and activities. They know when to look for help and enlist the expertise of others in solving healthcare problems.
Healthcare leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs of this age need to imbibe the culture of teamwork. Your ideas and strategies are stronger when others are allowed to build with you. Together is better.
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