From my little interaction with healthcare professionals who are desperate about leaping into the tech ecosystem, I have discovered that there is one major concern that is common with most of them. And it’s not the money. It’s not even the availability of courses or learning materials, but the lack of a solid community that will walk with them as they journey into the world of tech.
This is the problem Carecode Digital Health Hub is working to solve. We are building a community of healthcare professionals who will support themselves as they grow in the field of tech. There are ‘sooo’ many ideas out there that can change the healthcare industry. What many of these ideas lack is the right environment.
The right community is like an incubator that nurtures innovative ideas. For your innovative ideas to grow, you must be surrounded by people who share your passion, understand your dream, and are ready to work with you.
We are here…
Carecode Digital Health Hub is among the new generation healthtech communities in Nigeria & Africa that have discovered a peculiar need in the Digital Health Space in Africa. We pride ourselves on our community. The love that binds us. Our desire in seeing to it that the Digital Health industry in Africa grows to compete with the global digital health industry.
We have seen the potential. And we are ready to labor, making sure that as many that find their way into our community find a home that will work and build with them.
Hop on board, we can’t wait to have you with us!
Our 90-Day Digital Health Bootcamp is the best place to start. Especially if you are a healthcare professional in Nigeria or Africa. If you attended our last Digital Health Summit, held a few days back, you will see that we have already mapped out strategies that will be used in mining the potential hiding in Africa’s digital health ecosystem.
Join us.
Just send a simple mail here: carecode@carecityonline.com introducing yourself and why you want to jump into the world of healthtech. Remember to make it simple [don’t send us a whole book, please].
We are bringing together a team of experts in Web Development, Data Analytics, and UI/UX. You don’t want to miss all that we have prepared for you.
We are already getting applications, hurry, the gates will close pretty soon.
Once you send the mail, a response will be sent detailing the next step to take.
We can’t wait to have you by our side, changing the world…
Please, kindly note that a one-off acceptance fee of Ten Thousand Naira for healthcare professionals who are working and Five Thousand Naira for students will be the only financial commitment that you will have to make all through the 90-days of this bootcamp.

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