In May, the world celebrates nurses’ selflessness, dedication, humility, tenacity and hard work.
From nurses in New York to those in Brazil, China, cold Ireland, far away Australia, and down to the hot and dusty and dry Sahara — in Nigeria, Libya, Malawi, Sudan, to South Africa, the whole world celebrates them this month.
Nurses are everywhere; they are like oxygen. The only place we don’t need oxygen is the grave. And the ubiquitous nature of the nursing profession has brought a lot of improvements to the profession and, as expected, significant challenges [I have a whole lot of drafts on my PC right now].
Nurses are needed everywhere — in schools, in factories, amid war, on planes and ships, in the military barracks, and even in space. I stumbled upon an article about nurses in outer space; you can find it here in our special “Care City Weekly Nurses Edition.”
The nursing profession has gone through a lot of transformation. A thorough, continuous cultural evolution has brought the profession to where it currently is, and it’s still experiencing a lot of change, even in this modern age.
International Nurses’ Month should be a form of reminiscing season for the global nursing community.
Every member of this community sits back and thinks about how far the profession has come, where it is and where they would like it to be.
We all must look within ourselves and think of ways we can contribute to the forward movement of the nursing profession.
There are still a lot of grounds to cover, barriers to break, misconceptions to dismantle, history to be made, discoveries, and innovations to bring on board, and no one’s going to do this for us; we must arise and do it ourselves.
Beyond the celebrations, media campaigns, memes, jokes, and parties, what is more, important is how much we are thinking and working to make the profession a better one for us now and for those coming into it in the future.
At Care City, we have, in our little way for some time now, been contributing to the advancement of the profession through our publications, community building and advocacy.
With more dedicated efforts from all of us, we will gradually push the profession to its rightful place.
We have a lot of plans for this Nurses Month, and I don’t want you to be left out of it.
The only step you can take to be part of our growing community is simply subscribing to our newsletter, where we share ideas, updates, information, news and insights into the vast and growing world of healthcare innovation and leadership.
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This is, to our nurses, our future.
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