How Passionate Are You About The Life You’re Living?

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Ayinla Daniel Avatar

(Editor In Chief & CEO)

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“Exhilaration enhances the absorption of knowledge”

– Startrek: Picard

Good morning, and welcome to another week filled with many opportunities to make a profound impact as healthcare professionals, innovators, leaders, and entrepreneurs.

I usually start the week with a “pillar thought” that forms the basis of my writing throughout the week. From this week, I’ll start sharing my thoughts on Care City, as I used to do in my Substack newsletter.

This week, my thoughts are focused on the importance and usefulness of passion and excitement in fulfilling our purpose in life.

When you’re genuinely passionate and excited about something, you’ll make plenty of sacrifices for it, put in the work, and have the drive to make it work by any necessary means.

Passion and excitement for something mean you love what you’re doing, and love is the greatest fuel for success.

As healthcare professionals, entrepreneurs, leaders, and innovators, we must gauge our passion and excitement for our work to see if it’s enough to propel us into destiny.

Most of us are just getting by, doing it, waking up without any excitement, pulling the lever with no iota of passion, and steering the wheel with no atom of love.

When we started studying in school, there was a popular saying that working in healthcare was a calling. I think that saying was popular among nurses, doctors, and other healthcare professionals because of the sacrifices we had to make to do our jobs. And in a way, it’s totally accurate.

To survive in a high-stress environment like healthcare requires a high level of passion, determination and discipline.

Nonetheless, I’ve discovered over the years that people jump into healthcare because of the gain, not the passion or excitement. They will do the job and climb the career ladder, but they won’t be able to make any real difference. And in life, purpose is all about making a difference.

Go Get It!

“Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.”

– Oprah Winfrey

Do you love your job or what you do for a living? It doesn’t matter if you’re earning a fat salary or are the president of your country.

The great world-leading brands, companies, organisations, personalities and even countries were built on the shoulders of people with a real and raw passion for what they were doing.

You can’t fake it.

With time, if you’re passionate and excited about what you’re doing, it will surely show.

Time has a way of uncovering layers upon layers and revealing our true selves.

I remember the story of Jeff Bezos, the enigmatic founder of Amazon, one of the biggest companies on earth.

Bezos started Amazon when he was 30 in 1994. He quit his job at an investment bank and moved to Seattle to open a virtual bookstore.

The Amazon we all love and look up to today started as a virtual bookstore.

He knew what he was passionate about, and it wasn’t investment banking.

Only a few people are able to discover their passion and go for it! It’s the bold and crazy ones that have the audacity to move against the flow.

When Bezos started, he wasn’t working from an expensive office, nor did he have it all figured out. He started from his garage with a few people I like to call friends and not really employees.

Did he know where he was going? Yes.

Was he sure that he was going to succeed?

Yes, he was.

Even if he was going to encounter failure at some point, to people like that, failure doesn’t stop them from living.

How bold and crazy are you?

Examine what you’re doing now and ask yourself if you’ve enough passion in your fuel tank.

Do you feel fulfilled and satisfied doing what you’re doing? Or are you just dragging yourself through?

When you wake up at dawn, do you feel that excitement, that enthusiasm, the warm feeling within that engulfs your whole being as you prepare for work or go to your job?

If you don’t have that feeling.

If you’re not excited and passionate about what you’re doing, I just want you to know two things:

  • That we only have one shot at life. There’s no second chance or part two. It’s just this life that we have right now. So, why waste it doing what you don’t love or have passion for?
  • If you discover what you’re deeply passionate about, you’ll be able to touch more lives in ways you can never even imagine! I believe life is not just about us; it’s about how we can change the world by touching and helping people.

You Can Be More!

One of my jobs as a writer and leader is to make people realise that they can be and do more with their lives.

There’s nobody that doesn’t have the seed of greatness in them.

I know that environment and other cultural and social factors can influence greatness and destiny, but I still believe that our destinies are in our hands.

And if a man decides in his heart to be great and fulfil destiny, nothing can stop him.

You may be old or young. Age is no barrier to fulfilling your purpose in life.

You can start now!

You don’t have to wait for tomorrow to come.

If you feel you need more inspiration, especially as a healthcare professional, then follow us and join our community. We share stories that will inspire you and an environment that can nurture your passions.

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Ayinla Daniel Avatar

(Editor In Chief & CEO)

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