Happy New Year! We Believe So Much In You!

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Ayinla Daniel Avatar

(Founder & Editor)

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At last, you are reading our first article in 2025. Yippee💃🏿!

2024 was an amazing year.

Last year, we did a lot as a growing brand that warranted us jumping out of our comfort zones.

You know, as individuals and even businesses, one factor that prevents us from growing is our love and romance with our comfort zones.

We don’t want to learn some more, stretch, lose some sleep, add new certifications, or just do that extra “hard” thing that’s obviously difficult but adds a little bit more to our developments.

I literally was always out of my comfort zone last year! In fact, I built a new apartment outside of my comfort zone.

There was nothing appealing about all the stress, discomfort, and sacrifices that went into ensuring the brand stayed alive, but altogether, it was enjoyable because it’s something I love doing (and I obsess over it), and I can see the future of what we’re building.

This year, one of my biggest advice for you is that you must accept the fact that for you to grow, you must be ready to leave your comfort zone.

If you don’t pull yourself up, no one will do it for you. No one is coming to save you—really.

However, we’re here to help you. And how? Our job as a healthcare media brand is to inspire you—if you’re a healthcare professional, we’re here to inspire you to lead, innovate and grow to become a better version of yourself as a professional, and if you’re not even a healthcare professional, we believe our content can also help you become a better leader.

All that we do here is targeted at inspiring you to do more. We believe so much in the potential hidden in the inside of you. And through our content, stories, research and everything we do, we want to inspire you.

What Should You Expect From Us This Year?

Well, we’re going to improve this year. We will do better at bringing you the best information in the world of healthcare. We will also do a lot of health education for readers who are not healthcare professionals.

This year, we will be doing a lot of virtual webinars and workshops. You don’t want to be left behind. If you’ve not registered for our upcoming webinar on January 18th at 10 am, kindly and quickly do so now.

It’s the best way to start the year inspired!

The webinar explores the importance of artificial intelligence in Africa’s healthcare ecosystem, and we’ve got a seasoned healthcare innovator as our guest.

Read more about the event here (register here). You can also invite your friends and network to join us in learning.

It’s our maiden healthcare leadership and innovation webinar, and we have a gift for early registrants.

Our focus of the year is etched deep in the principles of quality and consistency.

We want to give our readers and community the best stuff regularly and consistently.

You can help us grow by following us on social media, subscribing to our free newsletter and sharing our content, stories and articles.

See you soon.

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Ayinla Daniel Avatar

(Founder & Editor)

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