Elon Musk On New Ideas & My Thoughts On Why You Must Be Part of The Health-tech Movement

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Ayinla Daniel Avatar

(Founder & Editor)

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While watching an Elon Musk interview, about how he worked so hard to keep Tesla alive, a statement he made touched me. Deeply [I was emotional].

He said [I paraphrase], talking about electric cars, that when new ideas first come into the market, they look complex, expensive, and sometimes even foolish

But as time goes on, these ideas thrive and people begin to accept them, and before you know it these ideas have become a part of the society. 

That’s exactly what happened with Tesla.

When Tesla started making electric cars, nobody cared about what they were doing. 

Many even called it a stupid shitty idea.

No one was willing to buy Tesla shares… 

However, the idea thrived. And today many wish they knew about the early days of Tesla…

When you critically look at history, you will see the same scenario being played again and again and again.

An idea jumps into the coven of society.

People look at it, laugh at it and ignore it.

The folks who discovered the idea don’t stop working on it. They keep innovating and leading it on.

Until, like magic, it begins to gently fit into the society that once rejected it.

This is what happened with the internet. When it was first introduced to the world. People were skeptical about it. They did not want to be involved with it.

But today, what do we have?

An idea that survived.

Elon Musk Is Right

Recently, I was reading an article on how a digital health startup in Nigeria failed. 

That article was titled: “Healthtech Entrepreneurs Must Be Patient — Autopsy of a Failed Nigerian Health tech Startup.”

That’s a very sad title.

I read that article with rapt attention and I discovered that an innovative idea may not survive if it finds itself in the wrong environment. 

The founders had a solid idea. 

That could solve a major challenge in the healthcare industry. 

But, the industry was not ready for that idea. 

You see, it’s like the challenge Facebook’s metaverse is currently having. 

For the metaverse to live up to its claims and promises, we will have to overhaul our current telecommunication hardware. 

And that’s not going to take us two months. 

And there’s Africa, that always comes behind others… 

Though, the time for an idea will always come.

This reminds me of this popular quote by Victor Hugo:

“No army can stop an idea whose time has come”

Victor Hugo

It’s so true. 

When the pandemic hit us hard, we quickly began to remember ideas that we did not pay attention to. 

Digital health came to the rescue. 

Health-tech startups were suddenly under the spotlight all because of one pandemic that severely dealt with humanity. 

And today, the rate at which health-tech innovation is going is at a record high. 

We have discovered how important it is. 

The idea’s time had come.

Healthcare Professionals Must Be Part of This Adventure

This is what we are advocating for at Carecode Digital Health Hub.

We want healthcare professionals to be in the middle of this adventure. And to do this, we strongly believe that they must be exposed to the realities of digital technologies. 

This lack of exposure has slowed many innovative processes in the healthcare ecosystem, especially in Africa. 

When an innovative solution is being introduced into healthcare, the most important people are not even the patients, but the healthcare professionals themselves. 

They must understand what it is for them to be able to completely appreciate it and educate the patients, clients, and the healthcare system. 

From that article I read, I discovered that HMOs may be a significant hurdle in the adoption of digital health technologies in Nigeria. 

The only way we can surmount this “HMO” [and other roadblocks] hurdle is to include the challenges that they face as important players in the whole healthcare structure in our innovative solutions [that’s gist for another day].

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Telemedicine Start-ups In Nigeria Can Crush Their Competition By Doing This ‘1’ Simple Thing

Teach Them Tech

Carecode Digital Health Hub is a health-tech startup that wants to close the gap in digital health literacy among healthcare professionals in Nigeria, Africa, and the world. 

That’s what we are here to do…

We know that once healthcare professionals understand the working concepts of digital health solutions it will be easier for innovative digital health solutions to penetrate the healthcare system. 

And as part of our mission, we are starting our first healthcare to healthtech bootcamp designed for healthcare professionals in Nigeria and Africa [we also welcome international colleagues who are passionate about the impact of digital technologies in healthcare]. 

It’s a 90-day bootcamp. 

We have brought together a team of digital health experts and leaders, tech specialists, and mentors. 

What we are doing is building a community. We know how powerful community is. How important and strategic it is to cause a change in society or any industry. 

To be part of this movement, kindly send us a mail at carecode@carecityonline.com telling us who you are and why you want to migrate into the world of tech. 

And be informed that there’s an attached acceptance fee of Ten Thousand Naira for the working class and Five Thousand Naira for students. 

Once we get your application mail, you will be given a form to fill and from there you will be added to a closed Whatsapp group where further information will be disseminated. 

We can’t wait to have you build the future of healthcare in Africa with us. 

If you have any questions, suggestions, or complaints, please send me a direct message here:danielayinla@carecityonline.com… Or find us on Whatsapp.

Care City Digital Marketing For Healthcare & Health-tech Brands

Healthcare professional holding a digital device

I have done a bit of research and I have discovered that healthcare & health-tech brands need help. They need help with the marketing side of their hustle.

There are few agencies out there that are focused on helping healthcare and health-tech brands tell the world about what they are doing and how they are working to change our beloved earth [very few].

Well, to help in contributing our own little experience as a health media startup with a rich background in creating healthcare-related content on the internet, and working with healthcare brands, we have decided to start a Digital Marketing Agency for healthcare and health-tech brands [the big announcement is coming soon, we just felt that we should let our community know].

We are still starting up. And this is the best time to come on board as our first client.

We want to focus on start-ups that are desperate to show the world what they are doing.

Reach out, send us a message and let us know what you do and how we can work together in changing the world.

Before I let you go.

What makes our agency unique?

Well, for one. 90% of the team is made up of Nurses, Doctors, and healthcare professionals who are passionate about creating content that resonates deeply with consumers, users and clients.

So, reach out. Send us a mail here: info@carecityonline.com.

Let’s change the world together.

Join our growing community on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & Instagram.

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Ayinla Daniel Avatar

(Founder & Editor)

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